A woman is capable to rise above herself to live out God’s perfect plan

A woman is capable to rise above her own past and present limitations of self to live out the perfect plan that God has designed for her in the heavenly record book. All she needs is to be a woman who knows God and fear God reverently. The problem with us is that we think we are God. We want to be God. We choose what we want to believe. We use our personal agenda to measure God.

I have not written for women since March 11, 2021. Why? I ask myself. I have avoided the answer until now. The main thing is I have been disappointed by women. Not all women. Just the lot that had refused to align themselves with God’s plumb line and even rationality and common sense, when voting or taking side when the chips were all down, exposing the crux of the matter, and the matter actually permeates the whole human race and not just women alone.

If I have to ask a question on what has caused me not to write in this blog (or rather, silent when it comes to writing for women) it’s this question: why does any Christian woman persist in choosing to be self-centered and selfish and even vengeful, choosing to believe in blatant lies and follow mass hysteria? Do they not have better sense? (For the information of those obsessed by skin colors: I am neither white nor black nor red and I am not a Latino. I am neither Western nor Eastern. I claim Galatians 3:28 as my true identity)

Wait a minute, I have nothing against being a woman. In fact, for those who have read this woman blog you would have noted I have been voicing for the voiceless women, digging through the Bible to speak out when not many men (or even women) have spoken with the perspective of a woman. When you read my stories of Eve, Sarah, Leah, Dinah, Bathsheba, Rehab, and many other New Testament Bible women, including showing the same serious respect and integrity to give a truthful and unbiased (often differing from the world view of many other scholars) account for those not even having a name, you would have noticed and even agreed that I am definitely on the side of seeing women in God’s eyes, and following the heart of Jesus, as I have purposed and opened my heart to receive only what are revealed in God’s words. For example, read what I have written on Leah. (Wounded Love —a ruler and a visionary)

I have written in this women blog how Bible women have been blessed. How women (the 50% of the world population) through out history, have overcome prejudices and evil in their days, how they have raised up kings and priests, and how they have fulfilled God’s plans in their lives and in the lives of those whom they impacted. I have written how godly and wise women were honored and favored just as godly and wise men were honored. I sincerely believe that women are capable to rise above the evil of self-centeredness, which is the root of all griefs.

It is now a new year and the first month is nearing the end. I decide this morning to write to you. How shall an ideal woman be? Again, I would quote a Bible woman (possibly Bathsheba, the mother of king Solomon) as recorded in Bible Proverbs 31:10-31. Take heed that this is not a unique one-off historical woman. Many unnamed women throughout human history have come under this category of godly, wise, capable and unselfish good women of faith. (My late mother was one.) They write the history of light (as against darkness) with their own unselfish lives, walking in the light, and leave a positive spiritual legacy to enable other men and women to follow.

Bathsheba was a beautiful, wise, good, wealthy, royal woman. But her earlier life was full of tragedies and sadness. Yet her past did not shape her into a bitter, crooked, evil, vengeful, ugly (at heart), self-centered woman who went down in history in shame and ruin. No, she rose up and became the woman her son King Solomon recorded in the following famous set of Bible verses of a virtuous woman.

Bible verses

Proverbs 31:10-31 New Living Translation A Wife of Noble Character 10 Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. 11 Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. 12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 13 She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. 14 She is like a merchant’s ship, bringing her food from afar. 15 She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work for her servant girls. 16 She goes to inspect a field and buys it; with her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17 She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. 18 She makes sure her dealings are profitable; her lamp burns late into the night. 19 Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber. 20 She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. 21 She has no fear of winter for her household, for everyone has warm clothes. 22 She makes her own bedspreads. She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns. 23 Her husband is well known at the city gates, where he sits with the other civic leaders. 24 She makes belted linen garments and sashes to sell to the merchants. 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. 26 When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. 27 She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. 28 Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: 29 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. 31 Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.


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